Friday, March 20, 2020

biology of plant essays

biology of plant essays I believe that some plants produce as much heat for their weight as birds do, which are the greatest heat producers of all. It is even harder to believe that some are able to thermoregulate, which means that they actually alter their heat production to keep their temperature constant in fluctuating air temperatures. This is similar to what mammals do. The article I am reviewing tells about few a plants that do this, and how they do it. There are only three plants which have yet been shown to regulate their temperature. They are the Philodendron selloun, the Skunk Cabbage, and the Sacred Lotus. The most extensive testing has been done on the P. selloun. The earliest testing aimed to do little more than determine whether the inflorescence actually had become hot. In the experiment spadices were impaled with temperature probes into the plant and the probes were connected to a machine that recorded the temperature continuously. During the measurement period the temperature outside averaged 20 degrees Celsius and the temperature in the plant remained 20 degrees higher. This proved that the inflorescence was hotter than its environment. The next experiment aimed to show the range of the P. selloun's heat producing capabilities. Some specimens were cut and put into indoor cabinets where the temperature could be varied. The reason the plants were placed in indoor cabinets was so that the plants rate of heat production could be measured by the expedient of measuring its rate of consumption of oxygen. Then the inflorescences were examined at air temperatures from low freezing to temperatures that are uncomfortably hot for humans. At the coldest extremes some of the inflorescences could not heat up at all. But their temperatures went to as high as 38 degrees Celsius when the environment temperature was still 4 degrees C. The cuttings became hotter as the air temperature rose further. The inflorescences peaked at 46 degrees C w...

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

The Main Types of Essay Papers

The Main Types of Essay Papers Defining Narrative, Argumentative, Expository Essay Types Students of all ages face the necessity to complete various types of academic works. Types of assigned papers usually depend on students’ grade and specialization. However, some essay types are included in general education program. It means you inevitably have to write them no matter if you are studying Law or Science. This time we will define the major essay types including Narrative, Argumentative and Expository essays defining their features in addition to useful writing tips. Essay type 1 – Narrative essay Everything looks pretty simple here. All you need is to try a role of a storyteller. Speak to your audience in a written way and tell about any real-life experienced that stroke you in the past. Students like writing narrative essays although the paper may still be rather challenging for immature and amateur writers. Narrative essay topic examples: The Happiest Family Vacation; My Worst Enemy. Essay type 2 – Expository essay College students are familiar with this type of academic paper. They are actually the same as research papers. Here you need to deliver facts merely and support the topic and your point of view. The most challenging aspect of this essay is to arrange all paragraphs, sentences and thoughts establishing a coherence for the reader. Make sure your audience can put up with all facts and data you deliver. Expository essay topic examples: How do mobile devices affect people’s lives? The results of Communism. Essay type 3 – Argumentative essay This is where you need to persuade your readers that you provide the only right point of view. The name of the paper makes it clear that students are supposed to highlight strong arguments in favor of their opinions. Although you are allowed using other experts’ opinions, the main mission of the paper is to design one of your own. Argumentative essay topic examples: Can mobile devices replace live communication? Is the modern education program efficient when finding a job?